Board Mission-Congruence Assessment
Critical to staying on mission for any school is the degree to which its board is working in sync with one another towards staying on-mission. As in all cases, this begins with the board’s degree of awareness of and excitement for the stated mission. To this end, OMD’s Board Mission-Assessment leads the board through a thorough examination of its school’s stated mission: language, meaning and application.
Mission-Congruence Assessment with Board to include:
*Mission Statement Examination (language, meaning and application)
*Value Language Examination (language, meaning and application)
*Facilitated Form on The Board and Mission Fidelity
On-Mission Educational Seminar
Through a 2-day on-site (or virtual) seminar, OMD focuses on:
*Lessons to be learned from the history of schools in America
*Explicit and implicit causes for Mission-Incongruence/Drift
*Interactive segments designed with small-group exercises
*Deeper dives into strategies and solutions for staying on mission
Mission Assessment Program | M.A.P.
OMD’s MAP is designed to engage each constituency of the school (board, admin, faculty, families and alumni) through a deep-dive approach to the school’s mission, meaning and effectiveness throughout the life of the school community specifically related to the mission, ultimately bringing areas of mission-congruence as well as Incongruence into focus. OMD’s MAP program culminates with a strategy and planning session for helping a school mitigate any mission-incongruence moving forward
Mission Retreats, Workshops & Webinars
WEBINAR - Series 1 of 4
When: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time: 11:00 (EDT) - 11:45 (EDT)
Topic: Galvanizing Your School Around the Mission Statement
WEBINAR - Series 2 of 4
When: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Time: 11:00 (EDT) - 11:45 (EDT)
Topic: Galvanizing Your Admission / Enrollment Around Your Mission Statement
WEBINAR - Series 3 of 4
When: Tuesday, September 21, 2023
Time: 11:00 (EDT) - 11:45 (EDT)
Topic: Galvanizing Administration and Faculty Relations Around the Mission Statement
WEBINAR - Series 4 of 4
When: TBD
Time: 11:00 (EDT) - 11:45 (EDT)
Topic: Galvanizing into Your School’s Culture and Programs to the Mission Statement
“No one seems to disagree that one of the clearest, and most agreed upon concepts in all schools, is to develop a mission statement worth defending and perpetuating. In fact, that goal is usually considered to be a mandate and basic standard of success. Saying the mission statement, posting it, memorizing it, reproducing it, framing it, and countless other ways are used to try to maintain and perpetuate it. However, none of the above, singularly or collectively, guarantees a school is actually achieving its goal of optimum application of its mission. The erosion takes place subtly, imperceptibly, and is often discovered after it is too late…”
Bobby Welch | Partner