Helping Schools Maintain Mission-Health.


What if you could rest assured that the mission of your school is being implemented properly and fully in all key areas of the school, resulting in mission-congruence?

What if markers of this mission-congruence in your programs could be confirmed with psychometrically valid data…leading to stronger retention of current students and mission-driven faculty, attraction of new students and mission-driven faculty, and elevated confidence from your donors? The natural outcome would be improved financial stability.

Further, what if this same program inherently acted as a support to your school’s Accreditation as well as Strategic Planning efforts?

  • OMD brings over 150 years of collective experience in school leadership.

  • Our team embodies the diversified skill-sets required to offer valid and insightful feedback to schools towards mission-fidelity.

  • OMD combines one-to-one interface with customized survey platforms and visual conclusions exclusive to your school’s mission.

  • OMD works directly with schools, using only consultants who have gone through our rigorous certification program